
Fun Facts About Penguins

CEF B1 - Reading, writing and listening acitivies for English language learners

Why can't penguins fly?

Penguin wings are like flippers. They are too heavy for flight.

Penguins use their flippers to 'fly' through the water. They can swim very fast. They can also swim for up to 100 kilometres without a rest.

Were Macaroni penguins named after pasta?

No. English explorers named them after a fashionable hat. But their feathers do look a little like spaghetti!

You can learn lots of fun facts about macaroni penguins
here. There's a worksheet, too.

Where in the world do penguins live?

Penguins only live in the southern half of the world. Most live in Antarctica. Antarctica is a very large area covered in ice. It's too cold for people, but perfect for penguins.

You can also find penguins in:
  • Australia
  • New Zealand
  • South America
  • South Africa.
The most northerly place that penguins live is on the Galapagos Islands. These islands are near Ecuador in South America. There is ice in Canada and the Arctic. But penguins don't live in the northern hemisphere.

How do penguins keep warm?

Penguins live in cold places. They love ice and they love the sea. But you never see a penguin sunbathing!

Penguins have thick layers of fat and feathers. This helps to keep their bodies warm.

Do penguins like people?

Penguins do not usually live near people. But they are not afraid of us.

We can watch penguins more easily than most birds.

What do you call two penguins born on the same day?


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